Chase Debit Card Agreement

To the extent permitted by law, we disclaim all assurances, warranties and conditions of any kind (express, implied, statutory or otherwise, including, but not limited to, the guarantee of commercialization and fitness for a specific purpose, title and non-infringement of proprietary rights) relating to all wallets and information, products and other content contained in or accessible from wallets. Chase is not the wallet provider and we are not responsible for providing you with the Wallet service. We are only responsible for providing secure information to the wallet provider in order to enable the use of the Chase Card in the wallet. We are not responsible for any wallet failure, errors, delays caused by or inability to use the wallet for a transaction. You can also check the issuer`s website. As a rule, the name of the bank is indicated below on the issuer`s homepage. These Terms apply to the addition of your Chase Card to a third-party digital wallet (the « Terms ») if you choose to add a Chase credit card, prepaid card or debit card (« Chase Card ») to a digital wallet or other payment service operated by or owned by a third party (« Wallet »). Under these terms, « you » and « your » refer to the Chase Card holder and « we », « us », « our » and « Chase » refer to your Chase Card issuer, JPMorgan Chase Bank, N.A. The stored agreements contain general conditions of sale, prices and information on fees. You are not specific to a person`s account information. These Terms are governed by federal law and, to the extent federal state law applies, to the state laws that apply to the agreement under which your Chase Card is covered. .

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