Buatlah Dialog Tentang Agreement (Yang Menyatakan Persetujuan)

You can also express your refusal directly using the following expression: Below you will find a list of functions in English that can be used to express our adherence to other languages, including typical expressions or languages, often used by native speakers and which do not literally mean. A: I just read this message about a man with cancer begging his doctor to euthanize him, but the doctor refused his request. (I just read the news of a man with cancer who asked his doctor to euthanize him, but the doctor refused his request) Tomi: I`m not sure I agree with you. Let`s see, this week. How about seeing him together in my home? (I`m not sure I agree with you. Let`s see, this week. What if I watched the game together at home?). The expression agreement and disagreement in English can be used either in everyday life or in debate. This time we will see examples of the use of the expression consent and disagreement through some examples of dialogues or conversations in English about consent and refusal below. But we can also directly explain our reasons after showing disapproval.

What Bianca just said is an expression that expresses her consent and is used if you agree with someone`s opinion, but you are not necessarily sure or do not like. Here are some other phrases that can be used. For more details, you should pay attention to the following examples. Here are some expressions that show concordance and disagreement Here are a few sentences/sentences that express agreement: From the dialogue above, Fahri said that « the government plans to increase electricity bills next month. » The king also made a statement on the consequences of rising electricity bills, namely the growing number of poor people. The testimony of the king is one of the effects of the expression that leads to disapproval. The right choice of answer to satisfy the king`s statement of disapproval lies in the choice of answer (A). . . .